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Hinduism |
The origin of Hinduism is always mystical. The scholars indicates the Indus valley civilization Is create the basis of Hinduism. Hindu Dharma is the evolution originated from India.If we study Hinduism history ,we saw ,It is a Historical process. Hinduism religion and Hinduism philosophy were inspired by Vedas, Gita and Upanishads. Diverse ethnic groups, races, their languages and culture enriched the process of Hinduism India. D.N. Majumder said “ It has grown out of the dynamics of ‘ Clash of cultures an contacts of races’ An even religions leading to a striking synthesis in which Sanskrit language played a crucial role”
Hinduism Dharma not only a religion, It is a way of life. It become a religion of society.Let us discuss in brief.
1. Hinduism origin
The Hinduism term consist of root terms ‘Hindu’ and ‘Ism’ . The term ‘ism’ is english term means ‘Any distinctive doctrine or practice’. It Express is specially a street or quality or a system or principal Peculiarity in language, specially when the term added as suffix do a noun. The term ‘Hindu’ originated from west of Sindhi river.It is the part of Indus valley civilization.
Hinduism is the a system of principles of life. Hinduism is a tradition and way of life. Hinduism is not bounded by any country or state. It is not particularly indicate a language, it is the lifestyle of Hindus.
The term Hindu has socio-linguistic usage in Indian history. The term Hindu undergoes many changes. Name of the river sindhu, is distorted for the construction of new term Hindu in Indian history. The ‘S’ of Sindhi is replace by ‘H’. the term sindo embodied itself as Hindu or Hindus.
2. Hinduization and Sanskritization.
The above to words had most impactful in the history of Hinduism. The word Hinduization used In the context of tribal people. it is the method of absorption of tribal people in Hinduism.The root word of Sanskritization is ‘Sanskrit’. The word related to various aspects of human existence. It is also rooted in sastra’s and related to the social life of Hinduism.
The term sanskritization used by Srinivas in his study of coorgs.He think Hindu caste system has never been so rigid that individuals or cast cannot alter their status. He quote, “sanskritization Is the process by which a low hindu caste,or tribal or other group, Change its customs, rituals, ideology and way of life in the direction of a high and, frequently twice born cast. Generally, such changes are followed by a claim to a higher position in the caste hierarchy then what traditionally considered to the claimant caste by the local community”.
Sanskritization played a crucial role in Hinduism. It linked with varna model of caste system in society. The Brahman, the Kshatriya, the vasiya are the three dominant caste in society in Verna model but in Srinivas’s study Shudra model is absent.
3. Hinduism religion: a concept of Religion.
The Hinduism differ from the other definition of religion Define by the scholars. Hinduism is not a religion, it is the way of life. Hinduism denies general concept of sociologist an anthropologists in respect to religion.
The religious experience ,sociologically is intrinsic to social phenomena called religion. We know the subject experience related to internal, external, material and nonmaterial but religious experience believed in supernatural phenomenon. It means some activities related to non human and Superhuman, are in the domain of religion. Da sociological experience of religion believe in world here in an world hereafter. Superhuman belongs to the world hereafter.
The Hinduism Dharma or Hinduism belief of Dharma are best on four basic pillars. They are Dharma, Argh, , kam and Moksh. The first pillar is studentships or Brahmacharya, The second pillar is Grahasthashram, The third pillar is Vanaprasth and the last pillar is Sanyas. Those are the four stage of human life , Each has a span of 25 years. It is clearly indicates that the Dharma in Hinduism where closely related to Hindu’s life and culture.
There are also 16 sanskars the domain of Hindus life. For example Namkaran, Is associated with newborn child to get a new name from his/her Parents or gurus.
Hinduism is compound an a hybrid term.It is basically based on the life and culture of Hindus. The Hinduism is not only a religion it is the way of Hindus life. Hinduization and sanskritization are the process in which large number of mobilization of peoples occurred in Hinduism. In this process large number of people assimilated with Hinduism religion and Hinduism philosophy. Hinduism Dharma or Hindu Dharma are generally different from the general sociological definition of religion. It based on four pillars which clearly described above.