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The city |
The city concept and characteristic.
The word ‘city’ is related to Latin root word ‘Civitas'. The scholar uses different character and basis to define city. But it has some major characteristic that makes the settlement a city. In the time of Neolithic revolution, large human settlement was found in different places. The settlement was based on agriculture and agricultural product. The basis and attributes of a city was change in time span. The urban peoples were always searching for better and prosperous life. Improvement of communication and technology are attracted the ruler population into the city. The city provides better job and placement for young’s. Private sectors are interested in professional education and placement. New ecological system is sets up and increases the legal of urbanisation in the city and neighbourhood. Let us discuss the all aspects of the city in brief.
1. Concept of city.
City is the place where large number of people concentrated for residential and other purpose. The quality and level of urbanisation of a city is calculated by infrastructure and lifestyle of people. The cities are the center of trade and commerce. In ancient time, the cities were established beside the river. The import an export business where depend on communication by rivers or ports. The priorities of city dwellers are change in modern time. Information and technology are produces many jobs in city area. Transportation, drainage, water supply, electricity etc. facilities are essential characteristic of a city.
The city is a combination of heterogeneous population. They believe in different faiths and religions. The city dwellers belong to different castes, communities, races, colours and cultures. As a result, peoples are encountered by class-struggle. It affects the social security of individuals. The city consists large number of labour. The socio-economic positions are forced them to live a slam life in city. The division of labour also a major characteristic of the city. The traditional cultures and norms are broken in city life. Many joint's family is disintegrated to a nuclear family. The inter-caste and inter religion-marriage is increases in city area.
The city dwellers are engaged in dynamic life. They compete in different sections of life to gets better job and resource. The life of city dwellers are more individualistic. The relation between friends, parents and neighbours are diminishing in society.
2. Characteristics of city.
I) Infrastructure: The city dwellers he is facilitated by better infrastructure then the rural people. Housing, market, road are well planned and easy to access. Markets are well-connected with the residential area. Factories are places in appropriate position, such that it less harm the people an environment.
II) Communication and community: Communication is an essential feature of a city. Communication is not only mean the internal Communication of city but also for rural-urban communication which is important for city growth. The city consists of varieties communities live in a certain place. They are different from each other. This heterogeneous community has lack of community feeling.
III) Family unity: The family unity of a city his diminished compared to the rural area. They are less interacted with their kin. The most of the family consists of father, mother and two childry. Traditional norms and values are affected by the urbanisation in city area.
IV) Slam: Rapid urbanisation and industrialization increase slum in city. They live in poor condition in overcrowding places. The socio-economic condition of slams peoples are very alarming. They struggle for getting minimum resource in life. Their housing conditions very poor.
V) Diversity: Diversity is a common feature of the city. Different types of communities are leaves in the city. They practice different dressing, fooding and language in their city life. They are engaged in different type of profession.
VI) Atmosphere: The city atmosphere is congested and overcrowded. The city dwellers are busy in their life struggle. The physical environment of a city is also alarming. The factories produce huge polluted material in air and water. It decreases of the level of oxygen in atmosphere and effect the health of urban dwellers.
VII) Social disorganisation: The busy and dynamic life increase social disorganisation in city. They believe in only social achievement, but not in social values. Family And kinship system is disorganised in city life. The moral principle of city dwellers are degenerated. Increase of alcoholism and drug addiction effect the health of young people. It produces deviant behaviour and causes family disorganisation. Moral devaluation increase gender inequality in society.
VIII) Crime: The crime is a social problem. The disintegration of family in city area is one of the major causes of crime. Young’s are individualistic in their life. They do not intereste to get social norms from family and school. They use illegal way to earn money for personal benefit. Crime against women, children are also increases in this context.
The concept of city is not new. But the characteristics and priorities of a city is change time to time. The sociologist explained the features of city in different basis. Population and density are the most important factor to declare a city. The life of city dwellers are not easy in society. They struggle to get prosperity in their life. The social disorganisation effects the social structure of the city. That traditional norms and values our change, and it effects In the social values of individual.