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Social change and Education |
Social change and Education
Education is the most essential instrument of social change. Social change in sociology is a broad field of study for the scholars. Many sociologist concerns about the diverse ideology forward in course of education specially when we talk about the ideology of dominant ruling class. The ruling class serves their own interest to maintain their social, economic and political power structure. Apart from this, education increase knowledge and skills of individuals. Emergence of new knowledge society , It is the powerhouse of Society. The knowledge change socio-economic condition of every individual in the society, it increases the social status of the people and emergence of new elite section in society. The educational system serves as an important social agency in society. It plays a larger part in socialization of student. Social change and education are closely related to each other. Let us discuss in brief.
Concept of social change.
American sociologist Wilbert Moore, in his famous books, explain the role of cultures, norms and values in social change. How the change altered the society? How the factors such as tradition, rituals, social hierarchy effect the social change In every step of socialization?
1. Process, evolution and progress in social change.
Process is another important structure in social change. First, we define, what is process ? Processes the definite step by step manner through which one state or stage March into another. Social change process describe How does social events in step by step manner enrich the society. Adupt specific moods and manner in specific society.
Evolution is a scientific term. Social evolution means, the society evolve in a particular direction, in simplex to complex form of society. It is a Quantitative as well as qualitative process. Maclver and page said 'Whatever in the history of society we find an increasing specialization of organs or units within the system or serving the life of the whole, we can speak of social evolution'.
The progress is the value judgement in society. when we concern about Social change, we definitely concern about the progress of society in related to particular reason. Every society as they are own objective, The social change evolute to the particular direction to getting the objectives. The progress judge the objective.
2.Exogenous and endogenous change
Exogenous change occurred by external factors of the society ,On the other hand endogenous change are the result of internal factors of society. Let us discuss.
W. J.H. Sprott explain the social change in exogenous and endogenous spectrum. Endogenous change causes by External factors such as cultural contact, colonization, disease etc. Endogenous change divided into two categories. They are episodic change and patterned change. Episodic change, It is not a predictive change, It effects society by an accident or event. For example, invantion. If we talk about nuclear weapons, then it has a devastating effect upon the whole society. It will destroy the total social structure in society. If we take the example of Japan then we see, the effect of nuclear weapon clearly seen today.Pattern change is a predictive change. Heat is done by good organise planning by the administration or state.
3. Factors of social change.
Here we discussed social change factors relative to a society.
• Physical factor deals with physical environment, climate, flood, ecology etc. Destruction of above conditions badly affect society.
• Biological factor deals with size of population, date and birth rates, composition of population etc
• Technological factors deals with projection of large scale technological evolution which related to Social components. For example, good quality seeds is the factor of green revolution which affect the socio-economic condition of farmer. As well as it affect the socio-economic structure of the country.
• Cultural factor deals with believe, values of the society. Tuck cultural factor are also depends on another factors like language, dressing, fooding etc.
• Economic factor deal with the agencies related to the economic spectrum in society. Such as factor is factories, trade etc.
Role of education in social change.
Education is the agent of social change. It provides the change towards economic, social and political in a particular society. Education controls the Power distribution by the dominant class. The social change causes by education in two-way. Fastly, education control the structure of the society . It means administrative, bureaucratic and political system is the product of the education system. Total administrative and bureaucratic system are based on to achieve the goals of society. And the goals of society are coincides to the goals of education. it is clear the education made the system which is responsible for social change. Secondly, the bureaucratic, administrative and political system evolute total educational system. It means the goal and objectives are determined by the elite class of the society. As a result, the system serve the objective of dominant class.
Education is a social institution. When we talk about social change in sociology, Their we have seen some social change factor responsible for social change in society. The concept of social change in sociology of education is not a one way process. When we observed social change process, we have clearly seen that one hand the education is control the social factor and social change, other hand the social factors can evolute the education system. From the above discussion it is clear that the social change and Education are close related and both affect each other on different way.