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Empowerment of marginal |
If we discuss empowerment of marginalize, then we fast understand the meaning of the word marginalize. Marginalised people are located on the margin of a society. They are socio-economically restricted to use the available resource. They are belongs to the low stratification of the society. They are practicing low low level of socialization. Furthermore, they are enjoyed low amount of power and prestige In the society and mostly depend on the other social classes in society.
Education helps the marginal section to increased their socio-economic status in society. It not only provide the educational opportunities, but also upgraded them to adopts the norms and values of the related society. The sociologist is acknowledged the education system for great impact on social acceptance of marginal population among the mainstream. Education helps to minimise the affect of inequality in education.
1. Hierarchization.
Education fight against hierarchization in Al society. The question arises, what is hierarchization mean? Hierarchization is an event deals with the unequal access of resource in the society. In this section, the resource mean education. The education is programmed to the meets the interest of dominant section. The dominant section make the education exclusive and outreach of marginal. The poor and marginal section cannot reach the elevation, sets by the dominant classes. This type of situation restrict marginal to equally access the education for empowerment.
In other hand, the multicultural education create opportunities for the all section of society to access the resource equally. The system of education open the path for lower classes to increase the knowledge and uplift their status in society.
2. Technocratic-meritocratic ideology.
Education system is a need of dominant class in society. The economically dominant class control the education system. The economic success depends on the acquirement of appropriate skills, technological knowledge, specialist knowledge etc. Those attributes are most exclusive and expensive in society. The higher and dominant section of society are working as a decision maker in the educational system and, it restricts education for social empowerment. The education system is change its nature in domestic setting. Now the power is not rested on particular parson or groups.
3. Education is a major agency of modern ethos of equality and freedom.
The education function on the basis of the ethos of a society. The structure is conditional, to depend on the elite culture and politically enhance people. But the situation is not rigid. In modern scenario, the technological medium enhance politically and economically marginal people to participate in modern system of education. All the section of gets equals opportunity in modern system of education. TV, newspaper, internet etc. are enhanced as the skills and knowledge of marginal section of society. The new system is not expensive and all section easily reach the threshold of the professional knowledge.
4. Functioning and capability.
Functioning and capability is a remarkable milestone in the study of puberty elevation. Functioning refers ‘valuable functioning' and ‘achievement’ to cover the good ‘being and doing’. A. Sen and J. Derz’e refers, Capability is the extent of the freedom that people pursuing valuable activities or functioning. A. Sen pointed that establishment poverty line in terms of income implicitly assume equal capacity of conversion. Capability deprivation up or affect the functioning of a society. Relation between income and functioning across family, society and community help to deal with the issues related to the poverty. Sen and Drez’e explane the ‘ capability deprivation' on following points.
I) Instrinsic importance- It deals with personal growth and self development.
II) Instrumental personal role- It deals with acquiring opportunity skills and knowledge.
III) Instrumental social role- Educated people participate in social development of society. They aware of social, political and economic rights. They lead the society on the basis of their knowledge and social awareness.
IV) Instrumental social process- Education impact positively in social process in a society. Educated person fight against the odd of society. They work for uplifted marginal people, specially poor and women. They work with the socio-economically backward people and facilitates them with the minimum resources of society.
V) Empowerment of marginal- Education is a tool for the empowerment of marginal people. Redistribution of resource and power at the lower level of society, is the key features of employment. Education empowers the marginal in many ways. It increases skills and capabilities of individual also work on alternative employment opportunities in society.
5. Economic reproduction model.
B. Gintis and Simmons had revolutionary work on ‘Economic production model’. It was based on work titled ‘ schooling in capitalist America’. Here they discuss on uneven economic order in capitalize society. The capitalist society used education to reproduce the values and norms in favour of their benefits. They required skilled and unskilled labor to ran their economy. Education produce skills to meet the requirements of labor. The school reproduce socio-economic order to control the proletarian and maintain economic benefits of capitalist class.
6. Banking concept of education.
Paulo Freire introduce the banking concept of education. His famous book, 'Pedagogy of oppressed', discuss empowerment of oppressed society through education. Freire believe education is an instrument that integrates the younger generation into the existing social system. He believed the capitalist society oppressed the marginal section socially and economically through education. The oppressed section remain ignorant and sluggish through social, economical and political domination of elite section.
If education restructure from influence of capitalist class, then it brings positive and constructive change in society. He believes the notion of freedom through the education. Knowledge is transmitted from teacher to students, and the teacher is the central character of education. The system of education must learn 'cultural code’ of each section. It emphasise on learner-learner-centre pedagogy to eliminate discrimination from the capitalist or the elite section.
Education is used as a tool to diminish the hierarchical order in the society. Inequality in education affect the social fabric of our society. Education for social empowerment is a broad section of study in sociology of education. They work against marginalization in education and freedom in educational system in respect to maintain adequate social balance between the elite and marginal section. We are not denying the fact, that the education promotes the values of dominant section but re- structure in curriculum, the system serve the interest of all sections including marginal. Read more