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Folk Society |
Folk Society.
Robert redfield defined folk society in his book ‘The folk culture of Yucatan’ in the year 1941. He finds the ideal type of folk society in rural-urban continuum. The folk society is polar opposite of urban society. He’s study based on Mexican province of Yucatan. He examined four communities of Yucatan, they are from Merida, Diztas, Chankom and Tuski. In rural-urban continuum, the folk society interference with urban society. They exchange cultural and social values of their own society. The folk pole continuum is opposite to the modern and urban society. Let us discuss in brief.
Folk Society: concept
Robert Redfield explained the folk society in his study. He characterises the society as a small, isolated, non-literate and homogeneous with a strong sense of group identity. The society has their own tradition. The members are engaged to maintain the common interest of group, for example, gathering food from nature. Family and kingship was the most important institution in folk society. The constitutes homogeneous groups in the basis of culture, value and belief. The folk society is often encountered with urban culture an inherits some certain characteristic. The new attributes are different from the past attributes of the society. The traditional norms and relations are changes due to interference with urban culture. Robot Redfield described, “increase of contacts, bringing about heterogeneity and disorganisation of culture, are sufficient causes of secularization and individualisation”. The folk society lose their inherited characteristic and acquire new. That society are more secularised, and they emphasize is in their own interest rather than the interest of group.
1. family And kinship.
They practiced is strong family and keen relationship. They maintain personal and direct relationship to the other member of society. Matrilineal and Patrilineal kinship system exists in the folk society.
2. Solidarity.
They show a strong group solidarity in the society. They work for common interest. Traditionally, they are not individualistic. They practice simple lifestyle in the society.
3. Isolated.
They are isolated from the mainstream society. That folk society has their own territory and protect it. Social mobility was not seen in their society. They only interested in gathering livelihood for better life.
4. Homogeneity.
Homogeneity is an essential attribution of folk society. This shows similar kind of nature and choice. The members use similar kind of dresses, culture, norms, etc.
5. Economic status.
The folk society is a primitive society. They are illiterate and used simple technology in their life. They are mostly depends on natural resources. Furthermore, they gather food from nature. The economy of folk society, is regulated by the nature, and it’s resources. Economic prosperity shows the social status of the members. A simple division of labour working in the society. It is based on sex and age of the individual in a society.
6. Group consciousness.
The members of folk society are conscious about their group and society poster and this shows solidarity within the group members. They show ideas, believe and moral attitude within the society. They strictly protect their social identity and values. Furthermore, they know how the group identification impact on their social position, and they take collective action to pursue their shared interest. The members of folk Society are also work on fulfilment of their common interest in life.
7. Magic.
The folk society is believed in magic. Magic performance, bridging the gap between uncertainty and success. It is based on causes and effect relationship. They explain the unusual phenomena in the help of magic. The members use magic to avoids danger and uncertainty of life.
Folk society, basically a primitive society. They practice simple lifestyle in their whole life. Robert Redfield characterized the folk society as a small, isolated and homogeneous society. The family and kin relationship is very strong in the society. The folk society used the simple and traditional tool. They are interested only in acquiring the essential resource of life. Therefore, the economy of folk society is not complex. In folk-urban continuum, the inherited characteristic of folk society is eroded. They are acquired new attributes from urban society.