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Urbanisation |
The word urban was derived for the Latin word ‘Urbanus’. The base word is ‘Urbs’, means “The city”. The English meaning of urban is ‘related to city’. Urbanisation is a process in which a city grows, and large number of people come to an urban center or city. People are adjusted and socialized in the new social environment. A rapid social mobilization is observed in the area. Urban place or urban center has certain characteristic which is determined by the national government time to time. The countries follow their legislative rule to declare a particular place city or not. France follows the rule of at least 2000 inhabitants for town or city. Urbanisation in India is calculates population, density and other parameter to declare a place town. The rules are not rigid. It changed with the growth of civilization and urbanisation. Let us discuss in brief.
1. Urbanisation.
I) Concept.
Urbanisation is an indicator of better civic facilities. That united nation mention three type of locations to define urbanisation or urban area. They are agglomeration, urban district or municipality with fixed boundary and civic division. The density and volume of urban population are also considered to measure urbanisation. H.T. Eldridge explained urbanisation in two (1) Multiplication point of population concentration. (2) Increase size of individual concentration. The concentration of factories and industries are also important factors of urbanisation. A proper industrialization is impact on the growth of urban population. The quality of life and facilities are increases with the growth of urbanisation. Dressing, fooding, technology, infrastructure, transport etc. are essential part of this process. Urban society is individualistic. Social status is not calculated on the basis of caste and hierarchy. It is defined by the intellectual abilities an economic position of an individual. All individuals are fights to achieve the appropriate status in society. The urban society experience degeneration of family and moral values in process of urbanisation.
II) Measurement.
Ratio of rural-urban population is calculated by the ratio of total population of urban, divided by total ruler population. The percentage is gets by the multiplication of 100.
Rural- Urban population growth percentage
= (U/R)×100.
Where U = Total urban population.
R= Total rural population.
2. Growth of urbanisation.
In the sociologist divides the urban growth in three stages.
I) Ancient period.
It was the primitive period of civilization. The main concerns of the settlement was to collect foods and gets protection. They use primitive weapons for hunting. Stone made sharp arrow where useful for protection and killed animals. The weapons were the symbols of industrial development in ancient period.
The city of Harappa in the Indus valley civilization, used baked bricks, shows early urbanisation in ancient period. Many cities are densely populated in different civilization. They used cultivated land near the city. The metal and craftworker provided services in the city.
II) Medieval period.
This was the period of trade and commerce. Machines were rapidly used in industry. Blacksmith, Carpenter, craftsman were concentrated in the city for better job. There were different kind of cities based on the function. For example, temple town. This town was known as secret place for devotee. Huge number of temples were situated in the city. Temples also the source of economy in this region.
III) Modern City.
Modern cities are the example of rapid urban growth and urbanisation. Medium and big industries were set up in this period. Peoples were settled in the city or town for better job and livelihood. The modern cities used the latest technology in transport, housing, drainage and other essential facilities. Mass media communication increase the accessibility of people in the city. The economy is based on industry and industrial development. At least 75% of male population were engage in non agriculture production.
The urban population of world are increases 30% from 1880 to 1960. In 1950, only 746 million urban population was registered. In 1980, 1.7 billion people were living in an urban area. The urban growth was rich to 3.9 billion in 2014.
In India, The total population was 238 million and urban population is 25 million in the year 1901. It means, the share of urban population is 10.51%. That total population of India was reached to 361 million in 1951. At that time, the urban population was 62 million. The share of urban population in 1951 was 17%. The growth of urban population registered between the years of 1901 and 2051 is 2.48 times. The urban population was reached to 285 million in 2011 census. In 2011 census, total number of urban population was 377.11 million. The growth of urban population is calculated 15 times of the urban population of 1901.
The study of urbanisation is most important to define demographical attitude of a particular area. Urban growth meaning, not only the growth of population but also the increase the standard of life. The concept of urban is not new. The process of urbanisation was started from Bronze Age. The study shows urban population was rapidly grows in last few decades. The scholars study the process of urbanisation of India and saw a rapid increase of level of urbanisation and urban amenities in comparison to world.