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Private sector in education: Critics
Education is a backbone of society. Every government has the responsibility to nurture their people with quality education. The citizen required education for personal developmen and socialization. The government provide professional education for future settlement in life.
Meanwhile, the government institutions have not enough resource to serve the total population with quality learning. Lack of schools, colleges and universities slow the growth of intellectual knowledge of aspirants. Many students are not gets the professional education in their life. Lack of infrastructure and funding also affect the teaching-learning procedures in society. The private sector is invested in the different sector of education. They establish better infrastructure in urban as well as rural section of society. The government are concentrated in primary and basic education for empowerment of marginal section. The gap is fulfilled by the private sector in the field of education. Private sector also raise some concerns above the system of education in society. Let us discuss in brief.
1. Infrastructure and facilities.
Private school and professional education institutions has better infrastructure in comparison with the government facilities. The general conception is that the private institution provides quality education in society. The perceptions are not only for better infrastructure but curriculum and facilities also good indicator. All private institutions cannot maintain the standards set by the government. Several institutions suffer by lack of proper infrastructure and facilities, specially in rural pocket. Some institution does not maintain quality of education also in urban area. In India, IITs and IIMs are maintaining the good infrastructures and facilities, but some private institutions could not catch up the standards of those institutions.
2. Resource allocation.
Many governments traditionally, gives more importance to the primary and basic education rather than professional education. The structure of administration and laws are created for the educational benefits of children below the age of 14 to 16. In Indian perspective, Hunter Commission recommended to withdrawal of government sector in the field of higher education. The governments concentrate more in the development of primary education. In article 45 of Indian constitution, advocate for free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of 14 years. Therefore, the government allocated more funds in primary education. The higher and professional educational structure faces budgetary constraints in many countries. To overcome budgetary another constants, the government depends on the funding of private sector.
The utilisation of funds, sometime, is not according to guidelines of government. There is no adequate administrative structure to monitor and supervise the private institution. The institutions are used a healthy amount of funds in only development of profit. A low amount was transferred for the quality education. The government has no such structure to monitor the all activities of private institutions. The private institution uses their money power to bribe vigilance and other government machineries.
3. Cultural homogeneity.
The system of education has the potential to influence the culture of people. Globalization open different options to learn and share knowledge between different nations. The education is not controlled by certain group of people. Information technology helps the students to learn beyond the boundary. Distance education, open and distance learning to provide opportunities to learn different culture. The private institutions facilitated student by lots of course and educational facilities in their own country. But it has some drawbacks, the Western countries promote their culture and thought on the poor countries. The syllabus is made to promote cultural thought and believe of the dominant group. The private institutions promote cultural imperialism by education.
4. High enrollment and expensive education.
The government infrastructure cannot facilitate large number of learners for higher and professional education. The private institution is the better platform for enrolled large number of aspirants under the system of education. The private institution run many colleges and universities in different nation. They accommodate large number of aspirants by facilities and knowledge. Sometimes they provide service from abroad. The private institution offers expensive foreign education for aspirants.
The institution collect high amount of donation for the name of development and course fees. The self-financing college charges high fees from the learners. The students belong to rural area and backward classes cannot meet the course fees. Women participation in professional private institution is very low.
5. Commercialization of education.
Commercialization, in the field of education means, the education is used to make money not for social development. The educational institutions are working as a profit making company. The generation of merit is not a factor, but generation of money is a big factor.
The institution enrols large number of learners without adequate infrastructure. They charge high fees from student but not provide adequate facilities. They are selling degrees to student and charged money. The distance and correspondence education are used as a tool of money making. The quality of learning is very poor in those institutions. The system of examination is not touched the basic needs of students, require for maintaining quality learning. The corporate houses are invested in education system for generation greater return. But some nations made laws to control the commodification of education. Some big corporate houses are meets the standard of education in professional sector.
The effect of private and professional education in society is multidimensional. Some scholars conclude that the private education is essential in the field of professional education. The government resource cannot meet the basic needs of large numbers of aspirants. At the same time, it increases cultural hegemony in society. Specially, the poor countries are affected by this trap. From the above discussion, it is clearly established that private sector is important in education. It has many drawbacks but proper utilization of funds and monetization of government, open a large opportunity for all aspirants.