• Concept of religion.
• The idea of God.
• Religion: social force.
• Religion and knowledge.
• Economic prospective of religion.
Religion meaning?
A sociological perspective.
Religion, almost most Universal institution in human society. It is found, past and present. It is a very ancient institution. There is no primitive society without religion. It is a social deal with sacred things, that lies beyond our knowledge and control. It has influenced other institution. Furthermore, it has been exerting tremendous influence upon political and economic aspect of Life. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism etc. are example of great religion of the world. We provide free Sociology notes on this topic.
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1 concept of religion.
Religion concerned with the shared belief and practice of human beings. Mujumdar and Madan describe, the word religion originated form Latin word Rel(I)igio. Derived form root word 'Leg', means together, counter or observe and' Lig' means' to bind'.
Thus, religion represent belief and practice, main characteristic of all religion.
Religion is based on the concept of Faith. In this sense, it is the organisation of faith which find human being to their temporal and transcendental foundation.
2. The idea of God.
In the process, civilization people had their own views defining the known and the unknown. Just like in Algebra, we used equation and to know the relations among quantities not known definitely. We assumed the value of x. The value of x could vary with each specific calculation. Thus, human mind is busy finding the value of the unknown. X rise to the power of infinity, that is, unknown rise to the power of non-decipherable value.
3. Religion: Social force.
Influence both the preliterate and literate society. It's teachings and models of worship was a big sourced of the early way of remembering them consist of hymns and poetic expressions that could be sung, at a time in groups. For example, Hari Katha. Nanak and Kabir use their devotional composition to attract people. In ancient time, Hindus used Shruti and Smriti tradition to learn knowledge. The role of nature was important in their life. Their life nearer to the nature. They identified himself with the sun, the moon, and the fire. Ramayana, Mahabharat are the great epics related to society and religion. Social Science with ideas of good and evil, composition of good family, relationship with guru and Shisha, relationship of dharma and Karma etc.
4 religion and knowledge.
Religion differently affected the society. There is a source of knowledge, that may be extracted from religion. In early days, religion become a valuable source of knowledge. Aashram, Madrasah and Mission schools are the first Educational Center. Different intellectual dealing with various forms of knowledge. Institution develop grammar of various language style of expressions. The devotees practice oral and reading skill in the institution. In the process of knowledge, they develop various dimension of specialisation. Evolution of technical and non-technological knowledge. The multiplicity into academic pursue dealing with diverse disciplines, branch and sub-branch. Now religion is no longer overarching pictures of knowledge. It is possible for Institute Of higher learning and technical skill to grow beyond the missionary fold. When this happens, religion itself become a specialised activity, so does its teaching and practice.
In the course of time, the latest Discovery by newton's and others scientist. The old saying god said" let there be light, and there was light". Replaced by a statement that make the top quote on the publication, God said "let Newton be and all will be light".
5 economic perspective of religion.
The economic perspective of religion described in two+way.
Fast, other worldly matters where religion becomes gradually relevant to economic prosperity. Example Hinduism, Islam one has got it emphasize blessing sought for either a better life in the next world or birth, or the day of judgement when the almighty will seek a balance of deeds good or bad. Islam promotes the idea of making gifts of a portion of income as Zakat, forbids taking interest on loan, but allow profit sharing. Hinduism views
On the concerning better life in the next birth or attainment of Moksha. That means not to tie harder to earn more and lead a better material life in this world.
Secondly, the spirit of religion can encourage a man to work hard considered work as worship, earn more money, working for Greater length of time, time is money and go in for guitar saving, is money earn and make use of those savings for earning more money, that is converting into capital.
The protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism, examine the relationship between the rise of a certain form of Protestantism and the development of western industrial capitalism. Weber represents the religious idea and idea of capitalism. Weber capitalism is not only the production and change, money making and profit, but and acetic attitude towards life.
Religion has a great impact on society and human life. Religion is one of the major institution of society that play a defined and limited role in society. It influence some aspect of social life, and in turn gets influence by other sectors of life. There could be several aspects of life that are independent of religion and vice- versa.