Hare Krishna movement
The Hare Krishna movement is the popular name of the International Society for Krishna (ISKCON) ,A worldwide community of devotees practicing bhakti yoga. This joga is the eternals science of loving service to the Krishna or God. The philosophy of this movement is rooted in the ancient vedic text.
Ignou assignment,msoe003
1. Origin of ISKCON
The ISKCON full form stands for ‘International Society for Krishna consciousness’, Founded by swami srila prabhupada in 1966. The philosophy of ISKCON based on gudiya vaishnava tradition. It is based on the tradition of devotion or bhakti base on the wisdom of Bhagavat Gita. The devotees regard Sri chaitanya mohapbhu as a full and total reincarnation of Lord Sri Krishna. They are related to bhakti movement.
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Hare Krishna movement |
hare rama hare krishna is highly visible cult scenes they are members Sport a shavan Head with a topknot, wear saffron dhotis.They chant Hare Krishna Hare Rama in the beats of tablas and tamboras.They are dancing, singing over the streets.
3 Fooding
Hare krishna ‘s are strictly maintains there about their vegetarianism. They never consume alcohol And maintain a high moral life. The Hare Krishna Trust Lord Krishna has God. They spend devotional service to Lord Krishna.
4 Hare Krishna Maha mantra.
The Hare Krishna mantra Is
"Hare Krishna Hare krishna,
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare Rama ,
Rama Rama Hare Hare."
The devotees chanting the above mantra in the streets and dancing with the beat up tablas. The mantra is also known as hare rama hari krishna Mantra.
5 Teacher or master.
ISKCON is based on the long lineage of masters Who have handed but the succession from master to disciple Ford a long time. The tradition known as ‘parampara’. They are in it for discipline succession which are known as sampradaya. The four sampradayas are Brahma, laxmi, Siva and Kumara.Hare Krishna belongs to brahma sampradaya. It is believed that Lord Krishna belongs to brahma sampradaya. And the brahma sampradaya as had many branch. The ISKCON society Is one of them. Sri chaitanya mahaprabhu Founded this branch in 16th century.
6 Acharya’s
The vaishnava teaching develop through four generation. The teachers known as acharya’s. Their names are
• Sri chaitanya mahaprabhu.
• The six Goswamis of Vrindaban.
• Bharti Siddhartha Saravati Thakur.
• A.C. Bhaki Vedanta Swami Prabhupada.
7 Devotion and surrender.
They believed that the jivas are a superior energy which are the force that exploit the mankind nature. The power of the jiva deriving from the Lord Krishna.The jivas born of spiritual energy Have a tendency to always try and control material energy. There are three types of energies Describe in vishnu puran-
• The spiritual potency.
• The living creatures and entities.
• Ignorance.
Spiritual potency link with the happiness, goodness truth and beauty. The living creatures and entities play evil part in society That confuse us with suppress reality. The ignorance is the power of devotees. The chanting of the name of Krishna which lead out of ignorance an towards light.
The path of devotion is very difficult. It has many lanes. It is hard to pick up the right one. The Maya is the main hurdle in path. Maya create illusion and fools everyone at every turn of the road. It makes them fall on the path.The way out of this puzzle is surrender to Lord Krishna .The Krishna will accept us and guids back to the godhead.If the devotee was not surrendered to Lord Krishna it will be seen as gross sin.
The path of devotion is not easy for the hare krishna ’s. The ISKCON was the place where Hari Krishna movement flourished. The Hare Krishna Hare Rama mantra help to free them from all problem of life.They believe in complete surrender in front of Lord Krishna. Sri Chaitanya mahaprabhu was enriched the era of bhakti movement. The arrival is helpful for making ignou assignment,msoe003. We try provide free Sociology notes for better understanding.