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Social mobility |
Social mobility is not a simple course of study in sociology.The class and caste structure of a society is affected by the social mobility. Education play a big role in social mobility. For The study of sociology of education, it is important to understand the dynamic relationship between education and social mobility. The scholar needs to understand, how social mobility affected the social fabric of a particular society? First we discuss all about social mobility.
Concept of social mobility
Social mobility deal with the movement of individual or group from one position of stratification two another position of stratification in the society. Social mobility occurs for different factor in different level of society. Education play a considerable role in the case of social mobility. First we discuss different types of social mobility.
Types of social mobility.
1. Open class and close class system
Open class system is a system in which a person influence by the other person's achieving status. Now the question arise, what is the achieved status. Archived status means in the status or social position which achieved by person own efforts and quality. In this class of systems every percent want to reach the elite position of the society. He wants to achieve as more as they can. Therefore, there was lying a underline competition among the members related to society. Example hypergamy, in which women Marriage to relatively higher caste in his society.
In other hand close system based on traditional aspect such as race family Background etc. It is generated depend on the ascribed status of an individual, that is the status traditionally gain. It is not depend on the influence of achieving status, that means the people did not influence by influences social position of other persons. Example, caste system is a close system where the participants get less chance for individual mobility.
2. Horizontal and vertical mobility.
Horizontal mobility refers to the movement of a person in same rank or occupation. In this scenario, the social position of an individual is not affected or less affected. Example , teacher moves or transfer from one school to other school. But in vertical mobility the social rank of a individual is change. Vertical mobility refers to the movement of an individual from one rank of social position to other rank of social position.
Here two case arrive ,fastly upward vertical mobility. This is the social mobility related to the events when a person moves or change his Social position from lower level of stratification to higher level of stratification. Example, A primary school teacher join higher school or college or become a head teacher in a institution. Secondly Downward vertical mobility, here a Parson moves or change his social position from higher level of stratification to lower level of stratification. Example, a manager of a reputed bank is demotion for clerical work for different causes. Here the social rank of an individual erode. Individual cannot retain his past social position.
3. Inter generational and intra generational mobility.
The answer is lying in the term of intra generation and intra generation mobility. Here the involvement of generation is important. Intra generational mobility refers change of social position or social stratification in different generation. It involves change of social position of children related to their parents. Here is also two case arrive,fastly upward inter generational social mobility. The child achieve higher position relative to their parents. Example, a persons father is a lower division clerk but the person acquired the position of a professor. Secondly, downward inter generational social mobility. In this scenario the child social position is lower then his father. Example, a persons father Is a wbcs officer but the person holds the position of peon.
Intra generational mobility of a person refers to the change of positions in his life span or generation. Here is also two case arrive, fastly, upward intra generational social mobility. Here the person gain better position in their life span. Example, a policeman or constable Increase there social position or rank by departmental examination and gate the rank of sub-inspector of police. Secondly, downward intre generational social mobility refers deterioration of social position of a person in his life span. Example, a bank manager lose his position due to bankrupt.
4. Structural mobility
Structural mobility is a analogue type of vertical mobility. The structural mobility related to movement of a particular group of people or class of social stratification related to other structure of stratification. In this case, a certain impact that can change a group of people to change their occupation From there traditional occupation. Example, in the era of globalization, the small skill and low skill technician are change their profession and become a employee of factory deals with heavy machinery and management.
Relationship between education and social mobility is complex. Peoples change there social position or stratification different causes. Horizontal and vertical social mobility are the example of change in social position of a individual In a society. Education play a great role for upward mobility of a individual. The cast and class factor does not deniable in the case of social mobility.