Fundamental teaching of Islam.
Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 AD at Mecca, which is now situated in Saudi Arabia. He is belongs to small clan of Quraish. His father’s name was Abdullah. After Christianity, Islam is the second largest religion with 1.8 billion followers in the world. The Muslim believe Koran is a true word of Allah and it transmitted through the messenger, Prophet Mohammad. After the death of Prophet Mohammad, Islam was spread all over the world. 'Islam religion', become the official religion of many countries. Let us discuss.
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The word, Islam is derived from the Arabic word “Sal’m” which means ‘peace’. In Arabian culture, it used to mean as ‘submission’ but for the Muslim believers it is “Submission to the wheel of God”. The believers of this faith called Muslim. The Muslim believe Allah. They show complete devotion towards Allah. No phenomenon happened without the permission of Allah. The word of Allah is final and no one altered the this.
Islam has their own set of laws. The law was called Sharia. Many Islamic countries follow the rules of Sharia to administrated their community. Sharia directed a strict guideline for everyday work and lifestyle. Muslims must follow the law of Sharia in their life. Example, a theft must be punished by cutting his hand.
The term, Islamic use in some broader aspects. It related to social and cultural faith of Muslims under the Islamic law.
Fundamental teaching of Islam.
In islamic history, the ‘Islam teachings’, was based on five rules. These mandatory rules called “Islam of Islam”.
1. Pronounce shahadat.
“There is no other god then Allah and Mohammad is the one messenger of God”. This is the central idea of Islam. This faith believes by every Muslim to maintain their religious path.
2. Ritual players Namaz Salat.
Muslims pray five times in a day facing towards the Mecca. Muslims can pray individually or in groups in any location. The imam guides the believers when they gather at mosque. They pray Namaj in certain intervals, at dawn; noon; after noon; sun down; sun set and late evening. Every Friday at noon they attend Namaj at mosque.
3. Alms or zakat.
Muslim denote a fixed percentage of their earning to poor. The amount is according to nature and values of good.
4. Fasting or Ramazan.
Ramazan is the ninth month of Islamic calendar. Muslims are practices complete abstention from food, drink and sexual intercourse from sunrise until sunset.
5. Pilgrimage or Hajj.
The Muslims make pilgrimage Hajj to Mecca at least one time in their life. The holy time of pilgrimage is tha last month of Islamic calendar and the duration is eight to thirteen days.
Metaphysics in Islam.
1. God.
Muslim beliefs, “There is no God but Allah”. They are against worship of idols. Mosque are not allowed to permit any image in any consequence because draw a image in the place of worship is a sin. God is most powerful and maintain the world.
2. Humanity.
Human beings were by God for good cause. Human beings have free desire and has open option in form of humanity. Koran speaks for humanity and establish moral and spiritual order in Earth.
3. Life after life.
The concept of heaven and hell are also present in the realm of Islam. Hell is the place where God send evil person for punishment. On other hand, heaven, this is the place where good people get reward from God. God created two spirit ‘Jinn’ and ‘Angel’. The evil spirit don’t follow the command of God. As a result, they could not allow in heaven.
4. Revelation
God gave humanity through the messengers. The word of humanity was written in Koran. Koran is the word of Allah. Koran discribed the messenger by two dedicated terms, Rasul and Nobi. Rasul means messenger and the word Nobi stands for Prophet Mohammed.
5. Kayamat.
Kayamat stands for judgement day, when all humanity will die. At that day all the dead bodies rise from their graves and the whole universe will eliminate. This will happen when the evil rise over humanity.
Islamic history and Islam religion are produced important knowledge for the sociologists to study sociology of religion. The fundamental teaching of Islam is base on the word of Allah through the messenger. For practicing Islam, it is essential to follow the five pillars of Koran. God saves us from all evil and give the rewards as heaven.