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Gender inequality in Education |
Education play a vital role in socialization of children. Children of societies are different from each other on the basis of gender, class, caste etc. The educational institution required different type of learning facilities and curriculums, to meet the differences between children. Child experience in family is an important aspect to perform in Classroom, specially its affect the level in achievement of students.
Gender identity concept in education is another field of study in sociology of education. In the process of socialization the identity or gender inequality in schooling effect the child most. We are learn the reasons for gender inequality, which is essential for construction of gender based identity. Let us discuss in brief.
Education perpetuate gender inequality in society.
The process of socialization of boys and girls are different in society. when they are admitted in school, they are primarily knowns the gender identity by the process of socialization. School is the primary agent of socialization. Parents also play a vital role in regarding Childs behaviour in terms of gender identity.For example toughness is the traditional identity of a male while tenderness viewed as the identity of women.
1. Teacher-student interaction for learning gender role in society.
Teacher student interaction played a vital role for claiming the appropriate behavior for boys and girls. Students learn proper sex role behaviour from there teachers. Teacher teacher instruction, teacher student interaction, teacher parent interaction is the valuable source of knowledge for the children to learn the gender identity.
2. Social learning theory and gender image.
Social learning theory explain the gender image in society. Books, television programme and Childs toy aer the three most important aspect for transformation of gender image in child.
i) Books are the major source to learn sex behaviour. Sometime classrooms are gender bias. It is sane that, sometime boys are received more attention than girls boys are encouraged to solve critical problems while girls are less evoluted. Teacher are ask the girls to water the plants or clean the blackboard. In case of discipline, the boys discipline are strictly maintained but the girls Rule is less rigid.
ii) Television program is another aspect of social life. The child are learn an influence from the television program that telecast throughout the world. The television program promote subordination. Television Different in schoolramme emphasis subordination in a nation of girls to a boy.
iii) Toys are one of the major players in child socialization. The toys of boy child and girl child are different from the beginning of the schooling. If we take some example, boy toys are mainly big car ,doctor kids telescope etc. While Girl toys bases on domestic role. The children learn to play with appropriate toys according to their gender identity.
3. Gender perspective in mathematical ability.
In the course of socialization, boys and girls score different In schooling. Boys are independent thinker, it is tough to bind them in general rigid mathematical norms of calculations. scholar indicates, the difference is due to they are social and cultural consideration which is different in different culture and society. in general society and family binded girls in Home affairs and restricted their participation in achievement in mathematics and science.
4. Faminine model in school curriculum.
Feminine model in school curriculum heart most in gender inequalities education. Purvis and Halas identified two model of femininity that extensively use in educational institutions.
First ‘perfect wife and mother' , It is assumed that The womens are idea when they are served the family as perfect wife and mother. The curriculum are made on the emphasis on the issues related to home utilities and Nurturing. Secondly ‘good woman’ , it bounded women in certain educational and functional circle. The educational system close many opportunities for women. In such manner the early childhood curriculum gender inequalities in school.
5. Education and models sex role behaviour.
the educational system promote models sex role behaviour among the boys and girls role behaviour among the boys and girls through through their bias curriculum. Many educational Institution use hidden card column to control the sex role behaviour of women and turn towards the societies traditional believe and faith. The institutions mostly stereotype in regarding male and female gender education and sexual behavior. The system assume that the girls are gentle cooperative and nurturing , in other hand the boys are aggressive competitive and curious.
6. The pattern of ‘ the higher the fewer'.
Our system of education discourage women to take administrative power and responsibilities.The administrator or educational institutions gives low preference in women recruitment. as a result we seen few number of teachers or employees reach the top most position in the institution while the number of women teachers and employees are more in lower level of institution. The society and the job infrastructure are dominated by male , therefore they abstracts women participation In Elite position and higher paying jobs.
7. Performance and achievement in terms of gender.
It is saying that the girls are dominated in lower school in terms of performance and achievement bath it does not stay long . In higher study the situation is altered . The scholars identify reason ,the The change due to adolescent period of women. In this stage the girls are mentally affected and their behaviour slightly change in society. The girls education affected in this in this period due to their bodily change . Secondly Social responsibilities, the society force the girl to Engage in household activities. The situation is worth in term of educational achievement for girls. The performance and achievement is affected for this type of social expectancy.
The socialization of gender is reinforced at school. The gender Identity in curriculum is clearly seen in educational institution.The girls and boys have different socialization experience. The gender inequality in schooling is produced in early childhood curriculum. The educational system is a part of social system, therefore the system produce gender Inequalities in schooling to promote societies traditional belief system.