Free Sociology Notes Proselytism, religious conversion, proselytization,proselyte

Proselytism, religious conversion, proselytization,proselyte



Conversion means a process of complete change in religion. I.e. People change from one set of religions rituals and beliefs to another set of those. Religious conversion is not new. The process was started many years ago. Conversion Has a vast property, is not just religious cannotation. Conversion is a concept that apply to any shift of behaviour from one type to another. For example political ideology. It can be shift from one to other.It is a general term which apply to many other significant life change.

  Religious conversion  is the adaption of a new religious belief that differ from the convert’s previous beIt is involves a new religious identities and internalization of new belief system. new self identity acquired. It is the adoption of identity group or spiritual lineage that must be differ from previous system of religion.

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1. Origin of the word proselytism.

  Proselytism Is the practice of attempting to convert people to another opinion and particularly another religion. 

 The word proselytism Comes from the Greek language prefix ‘pros’ and verb ' erchomai’. The word ‘pros’ means towords and the word 'erchomai’ means I Come.

2. Proselytism meaning in english and concept.

   Proselytism Is it tool or a food to change someone beliefs and faith in order to change his religion and religious point of view. Now the question arises what is Proselytization Meaning? Proselytization Is the intensive part of Christian religion. They are main principle to promote Christianity all over the world. Show They claim universally Christianity Is the part of their charter to convert  entire world Into Christian.The holy book Bible  gives the permission to convert the world into Christianity. Jesus said in the Bible, “Go to all the nation and make disciples. Baptist them and teach them my command.’ .This command is popularised in the name the” Great Commission of Jesus.

  Proselyte Is the another term widely used in Christianity. Now we learn Proselyte meaning? The term is used for a person who has wholly absorbed the new ideology and rituals. The rituals and ideology are different from previous. The term widely used in Christianity. It is also the process of  religious conversion? The person of different religions are absorbed the ideology up Christian.

3. Aspects of proselytism.

Now we discuss several access of Proselytism . 

a)Proselytism promoted freedom to change religion. The conversion made several time. The conversion is not made under any pressure. people made they are decision by their own concern and ideology.

b) Proselytism Promoted freedom of association. They are free to convert them  from cult or other religion. There is no pressure of religious inclinations. The freedom of association lead to mushrooming of new and old cults.

c)And the last is freedom of speech. People where free to express their experience. they talk with the other individuals about their belief faith and experience. The people are able to learn the experience  from others.

3. Proselytism: Experience in modern society.

  The experience of religious conversation is quite different in modern society. The modern society is full of stress and strain. Mostly they are related with nuclear family. there is lack of Interaction Between family and relatives. They are devoted to their official work and stressful daily life. Therefore religious conversion Are intended to a meaningful and happy life for them. 

  Proselytism or Religious conversion convinced people to their own (new) religious beliefs and faith, at the same time they will distroy  previous set of believe of  a parson. They attracted them for better personal life. They bait them by providing better education and health opportunities. In India, different missionary institutions provided  education, health, housing and fooding to different group of people. The poor and lower class  are attracted most in India’s socio- economic scenario.

  The proselytism or religious conversation are seems to be a double edged sword. One side It destroys personal faith, other side  without distruction of people faith the conversation is not possible. Here we must say about ‘captive audience’ ,They are easily attracted by other religion. they listen any kind of evangelism  and cannot avoid it.


  Proselytism, proselytization or proselyte are commonly associated with Christian or Christianity. They believe to spread Christianity all over the world. Freedom to change religion, freedom of association and freedom of speech are the most basic aspects of their religious movement. The movement has different impact in different country, religion and society. In India there is no exception. Sam group of people are easily attracted by other religious movement. They are attracted by better life opportunity provided by the other religion.we provide free sociology notes for further study. It helps to make assignment and ignou notes.

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