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SAARC stands for the South Asian association for regional cooperation. The SAARC was established by signing of the SAARC chartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 8 December 1985. The founding SAARC members are Bangladesh, India, Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. At the beginning, the SAARC countries consist of seven members. Afghanistan joined the SAARC as a member in April 2007. The SAARC secretariat or headquarter was set up in Kathmandu on 17th January 1987.
The main objective of SAARC is to promote economic, social and cultural cooperation within the South Asian region. The SAARC countries working over the expansion of educational opportunities and gender inequality the region. Let us discuss SAARC reforms on education in brief.
1. Primary and elementary education.
SAARC countries concentrated in primary and elementary education, specially in backward classes.In 2nd SAARC submit, New Delhi, accepted universal primary education is a basic need. Universal enrollment was one of the concerning issue in submit. In 1996, Pakistan, the 9th submit held to discuss over the universal enrollment of all learner and quality learning achievement. Adaption of SAARC development goals (SDG) emphasized on completion of primary education and quality education for all learns. Now we consider referred in country wise.
Bangladesh passed legal policy for nationalization of primary education under the primary school act 1974. Compulsory primary education of age group 6 to 10 years under primary education at 1990. Basic education is an inalienable right of every Bhutanese. The Bhutan government concern about compulsory education of age group 6 to 16 years. Constitution strength the primary and elementary education of all children in India. Article 45, constitute free and compulsory education of age group 6 to 14 years. NEP 1968, NEP 1986 to strengthen the pattern of primary education in India. Universal elementary education (UEE) Is one of the brightest example of the policy. (We discuss it in previous article). Maldives, primary education starts from age group 6. Article 36, Fundamental right and freedom, indicates education without any discrimination. The state provide primary and secondary education to all over the country. The education master plan concern about quality basic education at grassroots level in the Maldives. In Nepal, act 2001 provides free access to quality basic education. The country provide compulsory education of age group 5 to 13 years. The official age of primary education is six to 10 years, clearly indicates in national education policy of Pakistan. Article 37 of Pakistan constitution says that the state shall remove literacy and provide free and compulsory secondary education within minimum possible period. Sri Lanka, compulsory Education Act 1997 ensure compulsory attendance of children in the age group of 5 to 14 years and 9 years of elementary schooling. Afghanistan, constitute law over compulsory basic education of age group 6 to 15 years. Article 17 of Afghanistan constitution, concern about state role in promotion of education at all level.
2. Women education.
Rawalpindi resolution1996, the SAARC countries target for education of all girls and protection from sexual harassment. In 2009, Sri Lanka, ensured for development of skill specially for girl child and children with special needs. The government of the member countries take different initiative to achieve required measurement in related to girls education. For example, India launch Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) to increase the girls enrolment in school.
3. Higher education.
Formal system of education cannot meet the growing demand of education. The countries share common socio-economic status and educational structure in the region. Therefore, establishment of open and distance learning is a good initiative in the reason. The open school and open universities are established in different countries in SAARC nations. The virtual university was set up with the collaboration with Commonwealth of learning(COL).
The 13th SAARC submit in 2005, the head of state discuss a SAARC plan of action for science, ICT and technology. The declaration of 14th SAARC submit in New Delhi 2007, clearly indicate that the development of ICT enable field in education. They also decided to strengthen cooperation and dialogue on educational matter through development of exchange between academic, students and teachers. The structure called for inter-institutional corporation, partnership and other regional initiative in Asia in the field of education. The 17th SAARC submit 2011, the head of state to work on mutual recognition of academic and professional degree and harmonization of academic structures. They considered to establish a link among universities, research institutions and think-tank in the region. In the 18th SAARC submit 2014, Kathmandu, Nepal, the head of state agreed to promote regional cooperation in the field of vocational education and training.
South Asian association of regional cooperation (SAARC) work on the education reform in South Asia. The member countries emphasized on primary and elementary education in the region. The addresses the issue related to women education, child education, disadvantages group and science and technology. The also concerned about the fun generation for the related programs.