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Growth of education |
The concept of education, is associated with the evolution of human being. Education improved skills, and skills was the basic requirement of human to collect or hunt for basic human needs. It was passed from one generation to another and growth of modern education introduce in society. With the growth of civilization, human needs are changed and the objective of education was transferred towards the new requirement of society. In post independent, the social requirement of a society was far different from the Pre-independent period. The values and believes was deferred from the previous society. Therefore, the education must be re-structured in according to the requirements of society and fight against social inequality. Let us discuss in brief.
1. Commission and committees.
• Government of India appointed university education Commission under the chairmanship Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan in the year of 1948. It is the fast Commission set up in free India. The commission proposes different recommendation regarding the University education. Developed understanding of individual in social orders of a society, also the Commission recommended for create understanding of democratic values, justice and liberty. The university must concern about the preparing leadership features.
• The secondary education Commission was set up in 1952. The Commission is also known as Mudaliar Commission. The main objective of the Commission is to strengthen the secondary education system in India. The other recommendation based development of personality, vocational education, development of democratic citizenship etc. The Commission concern about the examination system and recommended for the guidance of secondary examination system.
• The Indian education Commission is popularly known as Kothari Commission, was set up in 1966 under the chairmanship of Daulat Singh Kothari. The Commission gave emphasis on free and compulsory education for all children up to age of 14. The Commission concern about the quality of education. The teachers' education is important to development of educational system. Equal educational opportunity for all section of children, specially for girls and physical handicaps. Education for empowerment of marginal section. Science and technology is one of the important aspect of Growth of educational system And mathematics should be an integral part of the educational system in the country. The government introduced three language formula in secondary education. The fast is an international language, like English. The second is the state language and the 3rd is the regional language.
• On the basis of recommendation of Kothari Commission, with a fast national educational policy formulated in 1968. The most important and pathfinding recommendation is the 10 + 2+3 structure of education. The policy need to emphasis on implementation of article 45 and provide free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years.
• National policy on education 1986 recommended the expansion of rural education. In rural area, the school facility established within a radius of 1 kilometer of inhabitants. Establishment of rural university for social have an educational development in grassroot level in rural India. The introduction of child centered approach in school education. It promotes adult education and scholarship in all over the country. Launch ‘operation in 1987. The aim of the program is to provide the minimum essential facilities in primary school.
2. Constitutional protection and growth of education.
After independent, education become a subject under state list and the state government taking exclusive decision over education. The role of center government is not prior in the consideration of education. In 1976, The 42nd constitution amendment act was introduced in the parliament. Education become the joint responsibility of central and state government of the country and the subject stand under the concurrent list.
Article 29 provide the cultural education diet of all citizen. Article 30 deals with the right of minorities to establish education institution.
Under article of directive principle of state policy, article 45 deals with right to work, to equation and to public assistance. Article 45 deals with free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of 14 years. Article 46 deal with educational facilities of schedule caste, schedule type and other weaker section. The lower cast mast protects from the social injustice and unequal educational opportunities in the society.
By 86 amendment act 2002, State sale provide the opportunities off free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years by law or any other manner.
3. Education and growth of literacy rate.
In 1951, the literacy rate among male and female in Indian rural area was 19.02% and 4.87% respectively. The urban area consisted with 45.60 percent of male literacy and 22.33 percent female literacy. The overall literacy rate in 1951 census was 18.32%. In 1961 census, the situation was give me change. The overall literacy was 28.31%. The growth of literacy rate, in comparison with 1951 census, was 54.53%. If we consider the overall women literacy growth rate, then we find 73.25% growth rate registered in 1961 census. In 1971 census, the overall literacy rate 34.45%, a hike off 21.68% in comparison with 1961 census. The rate of literacy growth is much slower in the decade. In 2001 census, overall literacy rate was reached to 64.83%.
In 2011 census, the male and female literacy rate in rural area is 57.93% and 77.15%. The scenario in urban area was slightly changed with 88.76% of male and 79.11% of female literacy rate. The overall literacy rate is 72.98%. Rise of literacy day in 2011 in comparison with 2001 is 13%. The difference between the rural and urban literacy date was 17.34%. The literacy growth in rural area is healthy in 2021 census. In 1951 census, the literacy gap between rural and urban area is 22.45% but in 2011, the gap is diminished and figured 17.64%.
Education strategies and application is passes through a continuous change in post independent India. The main target of the commission and committee to reach the all section of the society. Education Commission and committee were advocated structural change in educational system for fulfillment of the required objective. The constitution provision for education in India, target to provide the compulsory basic education up to age group of 14. Article and amendment were made to strengthen the bindings between the education and all section of society. The literacy rate of India in every decade submitted healthy growth. Male, female, rural and urban literacy growth was clearly seen in the documentation of 2011 census