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Totem pole |
Totemism is ancient belief about the relationship between human and nature. Early human believe in the power of nature. They do not want to conquer but try to relate themselves with nature. Totemism is a religious belief and ideologies centered upon the respect or honour of a secret object, called 'Totem'. The tribe considered themselves, closely related to the spirit of animals and plants. They aligned itself with the spirit of the totem. Totemic phenomena complex set of belief, emotion, ideology and ritual application in society. The Scholars differentiate totemism in two categories, namely individual and group. The individual totemism deals with the relationship between an individual and particular object, animal or plant. They believe, the spirit of individual lies in a particular totem. The group totemism deals with the relationship between a social group and a particular animal or plant. Let us discuss in brief.
1. Origin of totemism.
The term totem derived from the term ‘ototeman’ in Ojibwa language. It is an Algonquin language of religion in Northern America. It means ‘one’s brother-sister kin’. The root word is ‘ote’, means blood relationship between brother and sister who have the same mother. They don’t marry to each other.
2. Concept.
Totemism is a social reality. The members of tribal communities and its clans consider themselves descended from a plant, or animal, or other objects. They respect and venerate to totemic object and organise public function in the village. A totemic group consist the members who share a common totem. They don’t kill or harm their totem. They try to protect beliefs and values of totemism in their society.
Durkheim explained, totemism is closely connected with clan system. They believe the totem is a sacred object, and it has mysterious power. Every clans have their own totem, and they are different from each other in respect to belief and custom. The tribe believes that the practice a special kinship system within of totemic group. In the study of Australian tribe, he explains, how the projection of totemism in society is related to nature. They decided the nature into different groups according to social organisation of tribe. Durkheim related the totemism to the elementary form of religious system. The concept sacred and profane believe system connect to both totemism and religion. The totem is a sacred symbol as well as identity of a particular clan group. Levi Strauss (totemism) explained totemism is a phenomenon of human nature. He discussed totemic phenomena in relation with nature and culture. The term, nature is used for animal, plant or other specific object. The culture stands for identity of various group and individual. They are identifies themselves with particular animal, plant or other objects.
3. Essential features of totemism.
I) The totemism is constituted exogamous group. They marry outside their own tribe or group. McLennan comments that the entire human race has passed through a totemic stage in the distant past, particularly in the context of exogamy and matrilineal descent. In some cases, exogamy is a great sin. They arrange purification rituals to purify the sole of accuse.
II) The doesn’t kill or eat the totemic animal. They perform condolences for death of a totemic animal. On the others hand, a grand celebration take place for the birth of a totemic animal. They organise ceremonies in their honour. They celebrate the occasion with singing and dancing in their village.
III) Tribes are seen the totemic animal or object as a symbol of prosperity. The traditional thought is, the totemic figure has a spiritual and supernatural power. They are blessing the people who related to that particular totem. The tribe must honour and venerate the totem figure to satisfy the supernatural soul and get attention of it. The tribe believes, the practice of totemism granting welfare in return of their respect.
4. Example.
i) ‘Birhor' in Chotanagpur Plateau of India. They are known as patrilineal totem group.
ii) 'Iban', in Sarawak, Malaysia. It is a individual totem.
iii) 'Wiradjuri', found in Australia.
The scholars are explained the totemism phenomena in their own way, but they agree over the thought that totemism is closely related to the social system of tribe. They honour the totemic figure, in return they are hoping for prosperity and welfare. Every society has their own totem, and they practice their custom in their traditional norms.