Sociological perspective in education
Sociological perspective in education Is concern about the process of interrelationship between education and different aspects of a society. Sociologists were interested about the process in which education controls the social order and facilitates social change. The society is not static but dynamic. It changes its structure in time spans. Education sets the Pillars of socialization on which people adapted in society. Education provides a medium through which social inequalities are maintained and perpetuated. The educationalist explore every dimension of education for maintaining social order in particular society. Let us discuss in brief.
1. Educational sociology
In earlier nineteenth century, bulk Immigrant gathered in the American subcontinent. The situation was alarming for the educationist. The question arises, how the Immigrant blended with the main streem of education? They belongs to different religion, caste, race, language. They are socio-economically very poor. The educationist addressing those issues from society and chalk out the effective means in which education serves interest of poor immigrants and children. Sociologists came forward and these consequences, the term education sociology was immerged.
2. Dynamic character of education in society.
Education was developed from human struggle for survival and enlightenment. People developed skills for survival and transmitting appropriate language, skill and belief to the children of society. For example, the Indigenous people, teach their boys to fight in battle and girls to collect foods from forest.
• The Ancient Greece gave emphasis on participation of children in cultural school then on formal schooling. Arthenians believed in liberal education for performing duties towards the nation. The women of Sparta trained for feature battle for the state. The trends of traditional educational system was change later half of century. Education not remained confined to a selected group of people. Extension of education was reached at the lower level of the people, the peoples who have different socio-economic conditions then the dominant class.
• In ancient Roman, they learn history, geography, law, medicine and military science for developing beliefs and values of individual. Education influenced the general people to take part public affairs and behave according to the glory of the state.
• Medieval period, educational system associated with the church. People learned livelihood in the school’s taught under the control of church. In course of time the situation was changed. The educational system was out of the control of church. They established college and universities to learn law, medicine, technology another skill that helps people to survive in the society.
• Education in the Renaissance period was basically consisted of learning classical Greek and Latin literature. They believed in all round development of an individual. They emphasize on human-centered conception of knowledge. Furthermore, they were not studied as object for scientific inquiry but indirectly through classical literature.
• In the period of enlightenment, human believed in formulated natural laws. They established the relationship between nature and science. Newton, Galileo, Copernicus etc. the famous names in this period. They created relationship between science and social phenomena.
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Sociological perspective in education |
3. Cultural context.
Cultural dimension of education developed values, ideas and goals of the society through formal education. Durkheim believed that education transmitted norms and values in a society. Survival of a society is based on the amount of transmitted knowledge from generations. In Durkheim word “Education is influenced exercise by the adult generation on those that are not yet ready for social life. Its object is to arouse and to develop in the child a certain number of physical, intellectual and moral states which are demanded for him by both physical society as a whole and the social milieu for which he is specifically destined”. In Indian scenario, the Gandhi's idea on education was based on the total development of body, mind and soul for self-reliance and scarification.
Something education serves the perspective of dominant culture. The society can run in the influence of a small dominant group of people. The aim of education is coincide with a particular ethos which the social fabric of a society. But multiculturalism concepts in education can overcome the influence of particular class. The sociologist perspective on education is to serves the all sections of society. The marginal people learn values and beliefs the society and adapted themselves according to requirement.
4.Economic context
In the era of globalization, our society was seen rapid industrialization, development of factory and factory based ecosystem. The poor and marginal people were forced to work in factory to earn money and livelihood. The children and young peoples where acting in many shifted in those companies. The capitalist required unskilled and semi-skilled labour for factory production in their industry. As a result the child are prepared to only maintain the requirement of the industry. Schools play important role to promote the interest of powerful economic and social groups.
Sociology of education plays an important role to maintain of social order, social control and power structure in the society. It directed to meet the aim and objectives of the society. Sociological perspective in education deals with maintaining the teaching learning process of children to adopt ethos of the society. Education in society build autonomy and self identity for individual to maintain the social order.